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Management actions are being prepared in Catalonia.

Several field visits have recently been organized to determine the relevance of areas where silvicultural actions will be carried out to improve the ecological connectivity of natural areas. These actions will be carried out in the Capçaleres del Ter Natural Park to improve the connectivity of the capercaillie population, open gaps in the forests to promote the blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) which enters the diet of this emblematic bird of the Pyrenees or increase the volume of dead wood. Another potential site is Ports, where it is planned to improve connectivity between mature forest stands for saproxilic species, in particular by increasing the volume of standing and ground dead wood. These two site visits was an opportunity to discuss in situ the types of actions that could be implemented in each area and the types of premeasures to be taken (variables, plot size, etc.) to describe the current situation and then to use the MARXAN simulation program to help determine the optimal action areas to improve this ecological connectivity.

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